The Complete Solution
for Vue Developers
Nuxt is an open source framework that makes web development intuitive and powerful.
Create performant and production-grade full-stack web apps and websites with confidence.
Trusted by the best front-end teams
Write full-stack
Vue Applications
We love Vue Single-File Components as much as you do. Simple, intuitive and powerful, Nuxt lets you write Vue components in a way that makes sense. Every repetitive tasks are automated, so you can focus on writing your full-stack Vue application with confidence.
app.vue<script setup>useSeoMeta({ title: 'Meet Nuxt', description: 'The Vue Framework for Web Architects.'})</script><template> <div id="app"> <AppHeader /> <NuxtPage /> <AppFooter /> </div></template><style>#app { background-color: navy; color: lightgreen;}</style>
Static or Dynamic,
the choice is yours
Decide what rendering strategy you need at the route level. By leveraging the hybrid rendering, you can get the best of both worlds: the performance of a static site and the interactivity of a dynamic one.
nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ routeRules: { // Homepage pre-rendered at build time '/': { prerender: true }, // Product page generated on-demand, revalidates in background '/products/**': { swr: true }, // Blog post generated on-demand once until next deploy '/blog/**': { isr: true }, // Admin dashboard renders only on client-side '/admin/**': { ssr: false }, // Add cors headers on API routes '/api/**': { cors: true }, // Redirects legacy urls '/old-page': { redirect: '/new-page' } }})
Compose with
everything you need.
Built by developers
around the world.
The development of Nuxt and its ecosystem is led by an international team. From contributors to developer advocates, the community is made of members with different horizons and skills. We are happy to see new members every day and encourage anyone to join us and help in many ways: answering questions, giving a talk, creating modules and contributing to the core.
Trusted by the
World Wide Web.
Nuxt offers a compelling solution and a great ecosystem to help you ship fullstack Vue apps that are performant and SEO friendl. The flexibility to choose between SSR and SSG is icing on the cake.
Evan you
Creator of and Vite
Nuxt is a fantastic choice for teams building a production-grade product on the web. It aims to bake in performance best-practices while maintaining excellent Vue.js DX.
Addy Osmani
Chief Engineer of Chrome
Nuxt has been an incredible source of innovation and inspiration for developers and framework authors alike. It's been amazing to see its growth in web projects of all sizes on the web.

Guillermo Rauch
Co-founder and CEO of Vercel
Nuxt has outstanding developer productivity, experience, and performance right out of the gate! There’s so much attention to detail, ensuring teams have everything at their fingertips to productively build all manners of applications.
Sarah Drasner
Director of Engineering and Web Infrastructure, Google
Nuxt has a unique approach of combining a great developer experience with reusable, fully integrated features that speed up the development and performance of your next website or application.

Dominik Angerer
Co-founder of Stroyblok
The moment I used Nuxt for the first time I felt in love with it. Apart from its scalability, performance and developer experience, the team behind of it is also fantastic. Thanks for developing such a great framework and making our lives much easier!
Savas Vedova
Co-founder of Stormkit